
boots boots boots

It gets cold quickly here.  One day you are in a sweater and flats, and the next you are forced to put on that winter coat and pull up those winter boots.  I have my eye on a pair of boots.  Apparently everyone in Montreal had their eye on these boots as well as they did not have my size anywhere.  Maybe Santa will bring them... or maybe not... that is okay too.  Besides all I really want for Christmas is a pregnant belly.

Okay that is likely a very dangerous thing to say.  Unfortunately it is the truth.

Back to the boots... here they are....

BelCloud by Ugg... These are the ones I would really love.  Less bulky than the traditional Ugg but just as warm!  Perfect to wear with jeans.

Helen of Tundra II by Sorel... these are a less pricy option.  Who knew Sorel's came in a slightly more fashionable style?


  1. Oh I love them! I am such a sucker for boots, but living in Kentucky means we don't really have a need for them. We all still wear them anyway thought :)

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. Love love love these! Sometimes I wish it got colder in Tennessee so I could justify beautiful boots like these....

  3. Sweet looking boots. I like both of them. But I have to say, I hope Santa brings what you really want. Boots come and go. Children stay.

  4. (ditto on Agusta's comment) and the boots are going on my wish list as well.. love them!

  5. I'm a sucker for boots, too. But I'm with Augusta... hoping you get the thing you REALLY want!

  6. these would be so great for the rain here in Vancouver! And they look waaaarm.

  7. hello there! ooh love boots too. so liking your blog because i also enjoy checking out interior design and fashion and other random bits and pieces.
    sadly the hottest boots and the most fab house won't take away that deep ache we have for a baby huh. sigh. anyway, i hope your ivf cycle goes well and you manage to retain your sanity in the midst of it!

  8. adorable and with these Canadian winters..much needed!

  9. ADORABLE BOOTS!! I'm obsessed this fall! Its been quite cold and rainy here in Southern California, however today is 80! I feel like california can NEVER make up its mind with the seasons!

  10. OMG! I'm so in love with these boots. So freakin' cute. :-)

  11. Gorgeous Pairs...and Sexy to Boot!

  12. I really like the ugg pair! Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm happy to also find another canadian blogger. :)

    Have a great weekend! And I really hope you get your Christmas wish this year.

  13. Thanks for the good Christmas vibes everyone!!

  14. Love these boots. It's like you're my personal shopper :) I love them both, but I do love the Uggs the most.

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