
well that hurt...a little pain and a little fun

So I have successfully established that Repronex and I will not be friends.  I was warned of Repronex's less than stellar behaviour and it certainly did not dissappoint.  It hurt like hell. 

Okay I am really and truly sorry if you are embarking on the in vitro process and I am scaring you.  That is not my intention.  Besides, I am diligently forcing myself to embrace the sting, let it in and let it do its job... which is to help my follicles grow!  So I will take the sting and the pain I get every time I stand up as a sign that it is just doing its job.

I am looking forward to my monitoring appointment tomorrow morning.  I am really hoping to see some significant progress.  I feel usual skinny jeans are no longer okay and I am permanently in low waist-ed leggings... so something must be going on in there.

On a lighter note I went to see Morning Glory this afternoon with my Mom.  Will it win an award... no... but it was light and fluffy and offered up a nice distraction.

I also purchased Eat, Pray, Love.  I love Julia Roberts and there is something so enticing about vacating your life and traveling to a foreign destination to eat fabulous amounts of pizza, discover meditation and of course fall in love.

T minus thirteen hours until my monitoring appointment...get excited!!



  1. Can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow! And I'm sorry the Repronex sucks so badly :( It will all be worth it, though! :)

  2. Hey lady, thanks for stopping by my blog & following along:) Happy ICLW and welcome to the joys of IVF! Glad to hear you're trying to embrace all that comes with it, although some things are easier than others, but all totally worth it! Sending positive vibes your way for a good monitoring appointment tomorrow!!!

  3. Good luck tomorrow I hope you have tons of beautiful follicles. I wish I could feel my Gonal F sting, hubby and I keep wondering if it is even going in. I don't even feel the needle go in and I certainly don't have any pain. As far as being swollen I actually had someone come up to me yesterday and ask if I have lost weight. Something weird is going on in my body! Anyways, enough about me.

  4. I saw Morning Glory a few days ago. I really enjoyed it. You are right, it won't win any awards but it was entertaining to watch. And did you SEE her butt when she was in her underwear at the guy's apartment? I want a butt like that!

  5. LOL yes I did see her butt! Quite surprisingly round I would say!!

  6. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow morning babe! I think it's great your embracing the pain and writing about it...aren't you happy you were pre-warned?

  7. Skinny jeans, LOL. Ha! I'm not overweight, but the way my body is shaped skinny jeans just would never work.. sigh. GL with the monitoring apt.

  8. Well done with the injections and wishing you lots of good luck for your monitoring appointment!

  9. I hope your leggings are a good sign and that you get fabulous news tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Oh, and I thought Morning Glory was adorable!

  10. I hated the repronex!!! but it sounds like it is doing it's job!!!

  11. Good luck with your appointment - hope you're drinking plently of water!

  12. Ashely - everywhere I go I'm following your comments - are you going for iron commenter too? :)


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