baby a... baby b... hello twins!

So we had a bit of a surprise this morning, well honestly a big surprise... our ultrasound showed us a nice picture of our yolk sac and then it showed us a nice picture of our second yolk sac. 

Okay I am going to admit that I did not see this coming.  I mean my beta was in the three-hundreds... solid yes... but it clearly did not make me think that we would have twins.  I was actually slightly disappointed at the time... for about a second.   I was thrilled that we were pregnant at all so that disappointment really had a minimal, if any effect. 

I am still processing this news.  We are thrilled of course but I am still in the shocked phase I think.

On another note... at least I have a very good reason for the complete and utter lack of energy, crazy scent ability, and aversion to many many foods.  I mean there are two in there! 

For me this year has been quite the rollercoaster... most of it spent in an ungodly state of stress. 

It certainly ended with a bang!

Happy New Year!

Champagne Glasses by FindCarlie via etsy


  1. OMG, congratulations!!! No wonder you're in shock! Happy New Year!

  2. Omg!! Congrats!!!!! Happy new year!!

  3. Yei!! Twins!!! That's amazing news, congratulations!!!

  4. Amazing! Congratulations and Happy New Years!!!

  5. Congratulations! What a fantastic way to start 2011 :)

  6. Congratulations...wonderful, wonderful!

  7. OMG!! I thought it would be twins! Yayy! Congrats!

  8. How exciting!! Congratulations!

  9. Happy Happy New New Year Year! ;-p


    Here from December ICLW...a little late, but I got the news right!

  10. i've been meaning to stop by to say congrats but now i have to say DOUBLE congrats! yay, another twin momma! happy new year!

  11. Wow, what a surprise! Congratulations!


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