
best birthday ever

I am pregnant!!! 

I am really pregnant.  I am still absorbing this news!  I spent this morning in a state of terror huddled up on the couch cringing and sighing and worrying myself to death.  The clinic called an hour ago.  Andrew answered (we planned it this way) and I could not tell from his body language whether or not it worked.  When he gave me a thumbs up after he got off the phone I was shocked. 

In all of the excitement we sort of forgot to ask what the beta was.  I do know that the beta was strong enough that they are just scheduling an ultrasound in a couple of weeks, that I get to stop the progesterone and that they actually said that it looks like a very strong pregnancy. 

Oh and it is my birthday.  It did not feel like I turned twenty eight this morning because I was too absorbed in the greater possibilities of today but now I feel like celebrating. 

And it is my one hundredth blog post.  Wow that happened fast.

I really do feel like I am in a movie right now.  This is the best birthday ever.  This might be close to the best day ever.

Balloon Crazy by elgarboart via etsy


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!

  2. I was HOPING to find this as your 100th-birthday-pregnant post!!! WOHOOOOO! Happy Birthday Mama!!

  3. Congratulations!!!! We're so happy for you :)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just so exciting, and I am so happy for you! Can't wait to keep following along.

  5. What wonderful news!!! It worked, it worked!!! I'm so excited for you. Hope you have a great celebration (even without a glass of wine)

  6. Yay!!!!!! Congratulations :) And of course the happiest Birthday EVER. Sooo happy for you!

  7. Happy Birthday!!! I am so happy for you! Congrats!!!

  8. Congratulations! What a great birthday present!

  9. How exciting! Congratulations!! What a day!

  10. Wow, this is great news! A very happy birthday to you!!

  11. OMG I could just cry right now!!!!!!! Oh thank God! I was so hoping for wonderful news from you. CONGRATS!!! Amazing!

  12. Happy Birthday what an amazing gift!!!


  13. Love it! Congrats and happy birthday!!!

  14. Awesome, I am over the moon happy for you!!! I hope you have a fabulous birthday. Any feelings on if it will be twins or not?

  15. You did it!!! Happy birthday and congratulations!!!!

  16. Congrats! Happy Birthday! Happy 100th post! Congrats!
    Wow! Not even another beta! That's amazing.
    I am sooo happy for you! You're pregnant! I have been thinking about you all day.

  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you!!! Happy Birthday as well, I already know it has been since you've received the best gift ever! Soak in the joy my friend!

  18. I'm so, so happy for you! Enjoy these little moments. Happy birthday (late, sorry), and Congrats on 100 posts! Wow, it was a big day for you all the way around, huh?

  19. Yahoo ooh, Congratulations for being pregnant and Happy Birthday and 100th post! What an amazing coincidence!

  20. Congratulations! What a great way to start another year. I am so happy for you.

  21. SO amazing! Happy birthday, happy blogoversary, and happy, happy pregnancy! *hugs* to you ... cheering for this trifecta of good news!

  22. What a great birthday! Congratulations, Ashley! I am so happy for you! :)

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy! And happy birthday! :-)

  24. happy birthday! And congratulations!


  25. Shoot! I missed this post last week and just remembered to come check on you today! CONGRATS!

    Happy Belated Birthday too :)


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