
dear mexico...

I miss you.

I miss your sun and sunsets, your pina coladas and coronas, your lounge chairs and swim up bars, the smell of sun screen and the feel of salt in my hair, your cobblestone streets and sandy beaches.... most of all I miss that first breath of sea filled air...

Friends of ours are getting married in Mexico this week and we are wishing that we were there to celebrate with them and to bask in the heat.

If it was any other year or perhaps in a few months... we would be there... believe me... but me being close to nine weeks pregnant with twins is keeping us here... in the cold... with no scent of the sea...

Every year we contemplate another location for a trip but we always seem to end up here..

Royal Playa Del Carmen

Excellence Playa Mujeres
Downtown Puerto Vallarta via
A wedding shoot on the beach at the Valentin Imperial Maya.... I admire those brides who willingly get their dresses wet... but personally I could never do that to my Vera!
Valentin Imperial Maya
I just love Mexico..


  1. Ahh, but you see - maybe the smell of the ocean would be nauseating. See, it's all good.

  2. Looks amazing! I can imagine you are feeling the post holiday blues right now!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures.
    Are you familiar with 'A Passion for Beautiful Things'? It's a blog authored by my dear friend Nuit who lives in Puerto Vallarta..

    x Charlotta

  3. Thanks Charlotta! I just checked out 'A Passion for Beautiful Things' and I am her newest follower! Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. I'm just going to close my eyes and pretend I'm there for a minute, or five.

  5. I'm SO with you. I just got back from the beach and I'd do anything to go back!

  6. Ahhhh, I know! I am DYING to take a vacation to somewhere warm! I keep saying...maybe we'll schedule after the next doctor's appointment and everything is ok. PS - SOOO excited for your news!! I just got caught up and realize that you are expecting TWINS! me too and it looks like we are right around the same timeframe!!


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