should have...

I should have listened... or taken a clue... or put the pieces together.  Without realizing it, the last two non twilight books I read, were undoubtably centered around twins.  Apparently my subconscious was trying to warm me up for the real thing.

The Thirteenth Tale portrays twins that live in their own world, speak their own language and are largely neglected.  These twins almost belive that those without a twin are not the norm, that everyone should have a twin.  This story takes place in an ever deteriorating mansion which of course drew me in.  The twist in The Thirteenth Tale is too good to miss.

Now here are twins who live opposite lives yet remain together.  The Distant Hours also takes place in a crumbling mansion however this one holds voices of the past and keeps somewhat horrific secrets.

So I can only conclude that I picked those books for a reason.  I realize they are fiction and represent extremes but I picked them... and they were about twins.

Well here I am.  Living the real thing and still a bit stunned, still suffering a bit of shock.  I know the shock will wear off.  I am getting used to this.  I am excited but still terrified.  I assume this is normal.
I nervously ventured to the "You're having multiples" section of what to expect when you're expecting and read that I am apparently going to need to gain upwards of thirty five pounds over the next seven months.  Now that should be interesting!!


  1. It must be quite a shock!! You'll do great :)

  2. CONGRATS!! I am pregnant with twins too (very close to your same timeframe). I just got one of those email updates about my pregnancy and what is happening and was also informed I would be gaining 37-50 lbs!! I guess that should be the worst of our problems! Wishing you lots of luck on a healthy and successful pregnancy!!

  3. Thats too funny. I have read quite a few lately about twins too but so far my reasoning for it has not surfaced.

    If you liked the Thirteenth Tale You should also try out Her Fearful Symmetry: A Novel by Audrey Niffenegger.

  4. Okay I totally forgot but I also read Her Fearful Symmetry this year... yet another book centered around twins! Thanks for the reminder Lindsay!!

  5. I love the way the universe sends us messages. I've just added these books to my wishlist :)


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