
two strong heartbeats and a big sigh

We had our second OB appointment today and he was able to easily find two distinct heartbeats.  This was a huge relief.  In the last few weeks I have secretly been harboring a fear that there was only one in there.  I mean I have been feeling kicks and movement sporadically but it is so hard to determine whether this movement is from one baby or two different ones.  This combined with the fact that during our first OB appointment he could only find one heartbeat and we haven't had a baby show (ultrasound) since I was eight weeks pregnant!  Can you blame me for having some fears?  Hearing the beats at 150 and 160 was fantastic and definitely made me forgot about the incessant coughing fits that have occupied almost every breath this past week.

Now that was not the big sigh of relief..... the big sigh can only come from one thing.... I am saying goodbye to my day job for now.  Feeling guilty for being off sick while pregnant does not help a pregnant woman get better.... neither does knowing that my job is poised to increase drastically in the stress department in the months to come.  So I am saying goodbye for now.  Now is not the time to stress.  I had enough stress the last two years to do me.  Now is the time to relax and try to enjoy this pregnancy.

I just threw back a bunch of OB approved cough syrup and have some tylenol + codeine on hand.  It is time to kick this cold and let the de-stressing begin!!!

by farouche via etsy


  1. Congrats on both heartbeats *and* on leaving your job!!!

  2. Congrats! That is so exciting that you get to take the time to relax and enjoy your pregnancy! Babies don't like stress. :)

  3. wow twins...sister you need all the rest you can get. feel better. work is always there and when you go back it will be like you never left! thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!

  4. Ashley, how far along are you?

    Can't say I don't have the same fears every now and then. A "baby show" is more than reassuring.

    And also can't say I haven't been thinking about skipping out on my day job too. Technically I could take my leave in another 4.5 weeks. I dream about it :)

  5. Glad to read that the two wee ones are doing well. It's pretty normal to have those fears, especially after battling IF. Congrats on leaving your day job. You have a very important 24/7 kind of job at the moment: you are growing twins! So happy that you can devote all your energy to this amazing endeavor.
    Take good care.

  6. Congrats! I'm a big fan of quitting stressful jobs. :)

  7. Yay for good news on all accounts! :)

  8. Congrats on all fronts and thank you for your congratulations on my blog. I am totally terrified. More like petrified with some excitement thrown in there!

  9. congrats!! hoping you feel better soon!!

  10. YAY!!!
    So happy to hear about the heartbeats!
    Good for you - leaving your job.
    I hope you are feeling better! I blame the amazing weather! We've both been battling the flu-like symptoms...grrrr! lol

    Thank you for emailing me back, I plan to respond - in between shots of Buckley's..blugh!

    hugs! & congrats!! :o)

  11. I'm so glad everything's going well! It's good that you're leaving - you don't need any stress! Hugs!

  12. Elizabeth - you should definitely take that time off if you can. Soon enough you will be soo busy so it would be nice to have some time to yourself. I am 18 weeks and counting!

  13. Taking it into consideration :)


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