
baby art love

I have been stalking etsy for a while now and slowly amassing a collection of potential prints for the twin's bedroom.  One of my major fears if I should be relegated to bed rest is that the nursery will be incomplete.  Funny enough I was getting a massage this morning and I was talking to the therapist about how I feel anxious about getting everything done in case I am put on full bed rest and she was trying to calm my fears by mentioning how all we really need to get by at first is two car seats and one crib.  Well the car seats were delivered yesterday and two cribs have been up for a couple of weeks now.  I went on to explain how yes, normal people might feel prepared at this point, but I am a bit crazy, like things to be perfect (I know, I know, this is going to have to change) and have visions of a beautifully complete nursery that I just won't let go of!

So it is time to make some baby art decisions.  The contenders....

I heart you by Oh Hello Dear via etsy (This is my favourite)
Pink Snowy Owl by Black Cottage Handmade via etsy
Zz is for Zoo by Modern Pop via etsy
Baby Nursery Bird Print by Leo Little Lion via etsy (Instead of Summer Rain we would have our twins names)
Peaceful Tree, Deer Print by Sugar Fresh via etsy

Baby Chick Vertical by Sharon Montrose
Kitten and Feather by Sharon Montrose
Okay so the last two aren't from etsy, but are equally adorable.  

Right now I am thinking the first, second, third and forth and then the kitty (I am partial to things that go meow)...

What do you think?  Love them?  Hate them?  Have some better ideas?  Please do share...


  1. I love the first one!!!! Very whimsical and girlie!!

    Such tough decisions!! I can't wait to be making them...


  2. Oh they are all so cute!!!!

    I really love Baby Nursery Bird Print, and Peaceful Tree, Deer print! But I don't think you can go wrong with any of the above! :)

  3. I like them all, but I LOVE the owl and the peaceful tree!

  4. I enjoy reading your posts. Very cute prints. The first one is so cute, but so are the rest.

  5. I love Summer Rain! I'm also into the Owls... Etsy has so many adorable decals too!

  6. I vote for the Peaceful deer print.... I love how simple and sweet it is. Good luck with the decorating.

  7. Well, I'm impressed that you have cribs and carseats at 22 weeks! Seriously! But, nesting is legit so I can understand your need to get everything all nice n' cozy n' cute! I love the summer rain print. Adorable.

  8. I love Summer Rain (with the twins names!) and the one just below it. The room is going to be so sweet!

  9. Oh, bed rest would be a bummer but look at it this way... once the twins are born there will be no chance to rest so enjoy it while you can and forget about having things perfect.. that all goes out the window when kids enter the mix! Decorating a nursery is so exciting, huh? I love your choices. My faves are the Zoo print, (just fun), and the Deer print w/ the tree. Take care, Cutie, and don't worry about anything.. eveything always works out. xo

  10. I think Summer Rain is precious, but they are all adorable! I think I need you to consult on my nursery. I get the sense that you are very good at these things. Where do you look on etsy? Having a Babies R Us or Pottery Barn nursery is my worst nightmare.

  11. Thanks for all of your feedback! I ordered a bunch over the weekend and can't wait for them to arrive!!

    AP - If you need nursery help let me know, I have way way way too much time on my hands these days! For etsy for these pieces I searched under children and then art and then went through page by page.

  12. Still loving the baby deer and tree. I think I might steal!

  13. Debs - go for it! We didn't end up buying that one but it wouldn't have mattered if we did!

  14. Ash babe, I love the ZOO and the Summer Rain! They're fun! I also love the Pink Owl...yep, our mother made us a sucker for owls, bless her...I think Mommy and Daddy have this beautiful wall hanging I used to have in my can borrow it until I start having puppies, if you like haha

  15. OK, so this might be a little late...BUUUUUUUUT, I found a couple of things for you to go with the deer, although I'm just now reading above that you didn't buy that!!
    Okay, I'll still post the cute things I saw on Etsy,
    and lastly a fun one...

    Even if you just browse the websites, I'm glad I could help you through your day!
    Rub the baby girls for me!!


  16. Sunnyside Up - thanks for the ideas! I was looking at a mobile from birdynumnumdesign although they are pretty pricey! I love the shoes at Stellandlivi and the animals at wonderforest! Thanks for sharing!!


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