
the power of suggestion... to a pregnant lady

We were just eating pizza, yes pizza, not exactly healthy I know when a Dairy Queen ad.... for milkshakes (my pregnancy weakness) appeared on the tv... naturally I immediately needed a milkshake.  Andrew of course just started laughing saying... let me guess... you need a milkshake now?  My response was something along the lines of of course.... So he is gone now, to DQ, to get his pregnant wife a pineapple milkshake.

I. love. this. man.



  1. What a great guy!

  2. Your husband sounds wonderful!
    Oh that photo looks seriously good-I'm going to show my hubby this post just so he knows what will be expected of him during my pregnancy hehe.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog the other day,and congratulations!I'm looking forward to following you on your pregnancy/baby journey-and picking up some tips on the way!

  3. What a wonderful husband! My craving is a Reeses Peanut butter Cup Blizzard!! YUM YUM!

  4. Enjoy your milkshake, and this lovely man, your husband.

  5. OMG that looks so good!

  6. Milkshakes!! But pineapple?! I'm having a hard time imagining the taste! Sure looks good though!

    Oh and don't even worry about the pizza. I usually get thin crust and load up on the veggies or get a bruchetta pizza to justify it ;)

  7. I am with H, Resses peanut butter cup blizzards are the BEST!!!!
    And I am with you, it doesn't take much to get me to want something (specifically food related)!

  8. looks SO good!

    btw: I like the name of your blog!

  9. After work, I'm driving to Dairy Queen for a strawberry-banana milkshake!

  10. Looks good!! Although when I was pregnant one thing I really couldn't stand was pineapple and pinapple juice. Not sure how I'd have got on with a pineapple milkshake.

  11. You're making me so jealous! There are no DQs in NYC and I'm dying for a blizzard! We already rented a car once to drive to a DQ in New Jersey a month or so ago. Might gave to do that again very soon. Haha! Enjoy!

  12. What an awesome husband! I love DQ.

  13. Debs - I don't know how I got onto pineapple milkshakes - maybe it's a weak substitute for a pina colada? They aren't even on the menu.... but they will make them!

    Maria - thanks!

    Janet - I love how this post got so many of you thinking milkshake!

    PhotoPuddle - for me my biggest aversion is beef.

    VentingVagina - wow, I can't imagine being away from a DQ at this point! Renting a car to drive to a DQ is a whole new level of commitment!


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