time to take the plunge

Okay my perfectionist ways have definitely hindered my knitting attempts thus far.  Now that I have finally wrapped my pregnant mind around a couple basic stitches it is time to take the plunge and tackle an actual pattern.... I am thinking a blanket.  Yesterday my knitting friend came by and brought with her a great book, which has helped make this whole knitting adventure worth continuing.  Right now I have what could be a scarf or a dish towel depending on whether I abandon it or continue on.  I think I can do better.   It's pattern time!

Today I had yet another ultrasound, one of the perks or pains of having identical twins... depending on your view of ultrasounds.  The twins were both head down today (if only they could stay that way!!!) and they were so low and so close that the ultrasound tech took multiple attempts to get accurate head measurements of each of them. They have been busy... busy growing that is.  One twin is 1 pound, 5 ounces and the second is 1 pound, 9 ounces.  Apparently the 1 pound 9 ouncer is a bit big but nothing to be concerned about.  I am a bit stumped as to how I.... who normally has to drink milkshakes laced with corn syrup to put on a pound.... am able to grow babies that are bigger than the singleton benchmark for this week!  Don't get me wrong... I am happy about this.... just a little surprised that's all!  I go back in another two weeks and the good news is that my cervix has stayed put and I just have to continue on being extremely lazy (living on the couch mostly) as I have been doing.

I am really hoping to be able to relocate from the couch to our future lounge chairs on our future deck in a few weeks.  We have the landscaping plans all confirmed and our backyard transformation should begin very shortly!  I am excited!!

I plan on continuing my knitting outdoors at that point.... and I will be well into a pattern by then!

Happy weekend!

by OopsIKnitItAgain via etsy


  1. Congrats on the healthy babies!!!

  2. Glad your babies are doing well! Looking forward to seeing your knitting and your backyard transformation!


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