
a little contraction distraction a la jcrew

While my indecisive body keeps on contracting on and off I figured I mind as well do something happy to distract myself... so I decided to peruse JCrew...

Signature Signet Ring... god I love a good gold piece of jewlery... I'm not talking the goddy kind... more the subtle but gorgeous kind.. via
High-waisted skinny jean via ... because I WILL fit into skinny jeans again some day.
Refined Silk Cashmere Wrap.... I am loving this colour and almost had my sister convinced to detour from her usual neutral pallet and take a risk with a similarly hued tank!  via
Cutler and Gross Sunglasses via ... did I mention that I am a sucker for sunglasses... especially the break the bank kind...

Now for the baby news... apparently I am walking around 4 cm dilated and fully effaced... apparently in active labor... all I need is the consistent contractions... come on contractions... let's get this done!


  1. Good luck! Hope your contractions keep getting closer and those precious babies make their way into the world quickly and safely!

  2. Good luck! How about we make a deal....your beautiful babies come into the world tomorrow and my beautiful embyro(s) snuggle in tomorrow for the next 9 months! Sound good to you?

    Thinking of you!

  3. Come on little ones, next post better be a birth announcement:)

  4. Come on babies - in fact, I hope babies are here by now! Can't wait to 'meet' them!

  5. Woo hoo!!! Come on girls we are ready to see you! Lovely scarf, I have one really similar to that! Actually I have loads, I'm a scarf fiend!!!

  6. Yesssssssss! So exciting.

    Also I told Drew the other day that if I had the money I would buy everything at JCrew.

  7. Woo hoo!!! Can't wait to see their pretty faces! Go walking!!!

  8. Love the ring! And glad things are progressing! Yay!

  9. I wanted to let you know I thought about you all vacation - hoping and wishing that those little bambinos would have made their appearance!!!
    But I must admit I'm glad I didn't miss it!


  10. Your body is amazing. I am so proud of it/you for housing those babes for this long.

    I'm pretty sure you've had them already, yes? ;)

    If you need anything, please email me...I mean it. Boob advice, vag advice, someone to cry to...

    Can't wait to see those girls!

  11. Those are great, I want that ring for my fall collection.


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