
we went for a hike

Yesterday we went for our first hike as a family of four.  We drove ten minutes to a local trail and took off carrying both babies in our carriers.  It felt so good to put running shoes on again and to get outside near trees.  We would never have gone on this trail pre-babies... it would have been labelled as far too easy... but with babies... it was just right.

Getting out of the house is so necessary these days.  Yes it can be a challenge to mobilize two babies... but as I told Andrew... we're going to go and we're going to like it.  And we did.

In case you're curious... we ended up buying the Beco Butterfly soft structured carrier (on Andrew) and the Sleepy Wrap (on me),  We love them both and more importantly... Alice and Isla love being in them!


  1. You look fantastic!!!!!
    Good for you for getting out, my dad always tells me don't let the baby change your life (entirely). Still do what you love, ijust involve them!

  2. You look amazing for just having twins! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy a walk and fresh air!

  3. What a fun adventure! Congrats and you look great!!

  4. Hot mama! You look wonderful! And I felt the same way, we went for a walk around the neighborhood last week because I just had to get out of the house.

  5. Good for your guys. Glad you were able to get out and do the things you enjoy with the girls.

  6. I agree with the others, you look incredible for just having twins! Love the carriers and you're right it definitely makes you feel better to get out of the house and get some fresh air!

  7. You look amazing Ashley! I happy to hear that you were able to get out with the girls and enjoy some fresh both look very happy!

  8. The fact that you can wear spandex pants and look good in them after having twins like seconds ago is like, amazing.

    Glad you got out and got some fresh air. You guys look so darn cute as a fam of four. :)

  9. Lovely family - I can't believe you just had twins!
    Btw - I love my beco butterfly too!

  10. I love your attitude.... "we are going to go and we are going to like it!" Glad that you were right! You look great.


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