
and the identical mystery continues...

On Saturday we braved an 18 baby get together... yes... 18 twins (from nine sets of parents whom we met at our multiples prenatal classes) in one house simultaneously.  It was so great to chat with other parents of multiples.  They get what the daily chaos is like when you have two babies living under your roof.  It reminds us that we aren't alone and that other people do this crazy juggling act all day every day as well!

Funny enough we were all talking about how raising twins so far is completely manageable and not nearly as overwhelming or impossible as we anticipated.  Just accept the insanity and go with it.  That's what we do every day and it seems to be working.  At one point we actually managed to get all 18 babies lying in a circle for a photo and by some miracle at one point, none of them were crying.

Out of the nine couples, three of us had identicals... or shall I say two of them definitely had identical twins and we seem to have impostor... how are they identical identical twins...

more proof...



  1. While amazingly adorable, there is no way those girls are identical!The chins really seal the deal for me.

  2. It's true they definitely don't look identical! Such a strange situation, I can't wait to see them as they grow, maybe they'll morph into each other ;-)

  3. I must agree..Alice and Isla do look quite different from one another but my oh my are they cute!

  4. Oh they are sooooo cute! I wasn't sure in the last pictures you posted but in this one they definitely do look quite different. Time will tell I guess.

  5. Geeze they do look so different, don't they? Super cute though, both of them!
    It's so good to hear you say twins are manageable...makes me a little less afraid...

  6. Wow that get-together sounds crazy but fun! I think they look different too.

  7. @Kristen {} - seriously they are very manageable but preparing is key especially if you want to breastfeed and just to make your life easier for when they arrive. I really recommend reading Mothering Multiples by LLL. Email me any questions you might have and i will try to help.

  8. Identical or not, they are adorable!!

    I agree... it's doable! I have a 2 year old in the mix with my 4 month old girls & it's exhausting and a constant juggling effort (and split second decisions as to who to deal with first) but it's totally manageable!

  9. I agree with all the above! They definitely don't look identical. Are you going to get them tested to find out? I also agree managing two babies is just fine! We do say that if we can handle two, one would be a piece of cake!! Plus, I'm so happy to have twin as my first... I don't know any different! :)

  10. PS... its so funny bc mine are definitely not identical and look nothing alike (blonde and brunette), and people say they look identical! Some people are just not that observant I guess!


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