fairy tales are pretty

I've always had a touch of peter pan syndrome..... as in I would prefer to never grow up... as in I would enroll in hogwarts if such a place existed, several of my favourite books and movies are intended for children and I still believe in the Easter Bunny... I mean I saw him walk into my house when I was little!

Today I got through the entire day sans help!  So so so satisfying...

So right now I am balancing a baby in one arm, a glass of wine in the other and typing with... well the arm that just put the wine down.  I am in my own fairy tale...

these are so so pretty...
Searching for Fairy Tales by ThisYearsGirl via Etsy
The Queen by ThisYearsGirl via Etsy


  1. Congrats!!!! What an accomplishmet

  2. @kkasun - thanks! I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear when you deliver!

  3. Give yourself a pat on the back Ashley...you deserve it!

  4. Your post made me smile! Great job :) It really is my dream; to be smiling at the end of the day after taking care of 2 little ones! While sipping wine- even better!


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