
happy halloween

How do you do halloween?  Do you dress up, eat a ton of candy, try to out do your neighbor's halloween decorations?  Please tell me you're not one of those turn off all of the lights and pretend we're not at home Scrooge types... I mean just can't handle that.  I've always loved halloween... not in the dress up and throw a party way, but in the halloween movie way and in the look how cute all of the children ringing our doorbell look.... and then the oh god I want a child so bad way.  Luckily this year I can enjoy the costumes without the constant tug at my heart.

We didn't get costumes for Alice and Isla simply because everything was so huge for them!  Nan and Papa came through though with some halloween onesies.  I put them on them first thing this morning... managed to take a ton of pictures before Alice spit up on hers... which is now in the washing machine.

Now what's halloween without a black cat?  Okay so she isn't exactly all black but when I looked in the hallway and saw this, I couldn't resist!

Andrew carved up our three pumpkins last night.... while I drank a bottle... I mean glass... of wine (mommy needs to relax sometimes too).

Happy Halloween!


  1. Halloween is 1 of my favorite holidays! it is so fun. I know what you mean about it being painful though, it can be hard when you want kids seeing everyone else dressed up with their kids.
    I love their onesies so cute!!

  2. Ahhh the girls look so cute! And props to Andrew for those pumpkins -- they look great! Sending Halloween love to all xox

  3. oh goodness seeing pictures of you 2 babies makes me want two babies.

    Such little halloween cutie pies.

  4. Your girls are adorable in their Halloween attires. And Heidi is also very cute. Happy Halloween to all of you.

  5. @kkasun - Your girl is getting so big now! Did you dress her up?

    @Jessica - Thanks Jess! We miss you xoxoxoxo

    @lady lee - 2 babies are awesome indeed... you'll just have to have another!

    @Augusta - Thanks! Happy Halloween to you too!

  6. impressive pumpkins! The girls look pretty gorgeous too.

  7. I went ahead and got a costume that was 0-6 months. It was huge on her, but I just couldn't pass it up. Your kiddos look so cute in their onesies!

  8. Your girls are just ADORABLE!! Sorry I have been MIA for so long. As you know, life with two little pumpkins is pretty crazy! : )

  9. Alice, that's right young lady, you commit to that shape of the pumpkin! Look at her, she's going for it! Full arm extension! I think I've found my protege...only dont put so much tension into it that you wind up spitting up on your brand new onesie. No fun.

  10. oh my goodness how precious are the onesies :) i was so prepared for trick or treaters this year, bought a ton of candy (which is much more expensive that you'd think huh?!) and then had 0 trick or treaters :( what a bummer!

  11. babies in any kind of halloween gear is just too much cuteness! not helping my bad case of baby fever :)

  12. @Infertile Farmer - yes I totally get it, it's hard to blog and have twins never mind keeping up with everyone else!

  13. @Hannah - 0 trick or treaters... boo on that! so disappointing!

  14. @Sam {} - oh baby fever!! such fun!

  15. oh, the cuteness!!!

    also, wine is totally allowed. Even sometimes encouraged at the end of a trying day around our house. I'm sipping mine as I type :)


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