
christmas came early

Thank you for all of your lovely comments yesterday on Isla and Alice's three month post!

I am especially happy with the photos I posted... not because I claim to be some amazing photographer but because we bought ourselves an early Christmas present this past weekend... in camera form.  We'd toyed with the idea of buying a digital slr camera pre birth but we came to the conclusion at the time that twins are expensive, we have a decent point and shoot so we will hold out for now.  Well that was just over three months ago... clearly we did not stick to the original plan.

It was so worth it.

Such a difference.


I can't believe we didn't buy this sooner.

We ended up buying a canon rebel t2i.... so it's by far not at the high end of digital slr's but it is a great camera for the price and so far we are thrilled with the images it's letting us capture of the girls.

So far we are just clicking away but there is a plethora of online tutorials on how to really make use of this camera and one day when I have a spare minute or two I will track them down.

So now I'm curious.... what camera do you use?  What software do you use to edit your images if you do?

please do share...


  1. i have a t2i too....LOVE IT...i just play around in iphoto for now...really need to take some decent lessons. Thank god for you tube. happy 3 months to your babies!

  2. your girls are adorable, congrats on making it to 3month mark :)
    ok, I have that exact camera and my pictures ALWAYS turn out blurry. I had to go back to point and shoot cannon + my iphone :( What am I doing wrong??

  3. Oh yay!!! I got the T1i over a year ago, and I love it! There are 2 things I would say are definite 'BUYS' for this camera. A speed-lite (430EX or 580EX) It will make capturing movement soooo much easier!! And a 50mm f2.8 lens. It only does that one distance but it is AMAZING for portraits. I started up a photography company last year that I had to step away from (b/c of having the twins right now) -- and did all my shoots with the T1i -- it's amazing what it is capable of. I rented some lenses from lensrental dot com -- it's a great way to try a lens before buying them :-)

    Here is the link to my favorites taken with the cam ... some were taken with the T2i for wedding photos.

    HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! You're going to LOVE it!

    Oh in terms of software, = photoshop and lightroom -- for quick touchups and web posting I use picnik dot com (pro version) ...

    And Happy 3 Months to your gorgeous kiddos :-)

  4. I have a Nikon something or another. But I love it and I use Photoshop! It can be daunting...but it is an amazing thing.

  5. LOVE the pictures! We always said we were going to get a nice camera when we had a baby too. Well the baby thing wasn't happening so we bought a camera anyway. I'm so glad we did! We have the T1i and the thing I like about it is even though I don't really know how to use it yet, it still takes awesome pictures!

  6. I have the T2i (got it a little over a year ago) and LOVE it. I currently don't do any editing of my images because my computer is crap (next on the list to upgrade!). I took a couple of the classes at Henry's last year as well. I have a tumblr blog that has the start of a 365 project this year to take a photo a day but alas once I got pregnant in the spring things fell by the wayside!

  7. I use the cannon rebel xsi! I love it as well :) I would LOVE to get photophop and take a class, but $700 is a lot! Currently I just use Coral. It works pretty good.

  8. Hi Ashley! Thanks for following my blog! I am new to the blog world and still figuring things out.

    I love the name of your blog. It really is a perfect way to describe life- at least, my life.

    I currently use a point and shoot camera, but my fiance and I are in the market for something that will give better photos. The Canon slr you just bought sounds like what we're looking for. Can't wait to see more photos!

  9. Your new pictures are so fabulous...doesn't a "real" camera make all the difference? I have a Canon and use iPhoto (I don't do much other than crop and change the exposure/contrast/saturation sometimes). I bought my camera last spring and was a little worried I'd use it for a few weeks and then get tired of it/forget about it, but that hasn't been the case at all...


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