
chaotic recap... second edition

There's been a new addition to our house and its name is the Jolly Jumper...

Yeah it took a couple of tries last weekend but on the second try Isla was flying and on the third so was Alice.  This is Isla's new favourite thing without a doubt.... you start to strap her in and her legs start bending all ready to jump!

Last weekend we got out on another date night, this time to see Breaking Dawn Part I.  In my opinion... it did not disappoint... mind you it could have been horrible and I still would have loved it.  Funny enough the one thing that stuck out to me was the lingerie... gave myself a bit of a kick and vowed that santa will be bringing me some of that...eberjey style... I love their stuff!

So it's now a couple of weeks away from Christmas and we have yet to order our Christmas cards.  We've been meaning to do a photoshoot of the girls for the cards for a while now but finally made our first attempt on the weekend...

fail... Isla was not in the photo-taking mood...

mid week we tackled the Christmas tree so it's beginning to feel nice and festive around here...

Wednesay I gave it another go...

success!  now I just need to order the cards...

I feel a little like a dog with a tail between its legs.... and a sucky parent... to Heidi... you see somehow we neglected to keep up with her high maintenance long hair and she was full of knots... well my Dad took her to get groomed this week and I'm happy to say that the knots are gone... unfortunately so his the majority of her fur...

hello lion cut...

poor kitty...

I know what she's thinking... she's eyeing me and telling me... how could you let this happen! how could you! I actually cried when he brought her in for the big reveal...

Oh Heidi I promise we'll be better...

On a happier note, we are hearing more and more giggles these days... especially when we make the girls fly in the air!

I am loving these sweet picture of our sweet girls that I took these past couple of days...

That last one is Isla... catching up on the shut eye she has been avoiding during the night... if only I could snag myself some of that daytime sleep... maybe I would feel less like a zombie.

I did manage to sneak in some relaxation time last night and we watched Crazy Stupid Love... which I love...

This weekend is Andrew's work Christmas party and we're hoping to wrap up our Christmas shopping ... what are your plans for the weekend?

Happy Weekend!

Linking up with E Tells Tales

want some more?  last week's recap...


  1. They look like they are having a blast in the jumper! Great Christmas photos too!

  2. @Stephanie - thanks!

    @Courtney - this one is the original Jolly Jumper - they sell them on amazon if you're interested. We actually got ours used locally (I washed the fabric obviously).

  3. i'm loving the old school jolly jumper!! it actually looks way more efficient and safe than my brand new one! go figure!!

  4. I love the holiday card picture! I will be getting one of those jumpers as soon as Emily can go in one- it looks like the girls are having so much fun!

  5. Great photos! I thought Jolly Jumpers attached to door frames in your house (haha that is so old school and not safe now I bet).

    PS Your rings are GORGEOUS.

  6. your girls are adorable. great job in getting the Christmas cards done. how do you get 2 babies to cooperate? i can't even get my 3 & 4 yr old to sit still for 30 seconds!

  7. hi there! thanks for commenting earlier, it brought me right to your blog. and i must say, your girls are adorable...i love the red & white stripes.

    - elz

  8. Love all those beautiful pictures!!! Merry Christmas to your gorgeous family!

  9. So cute, I am going to have to get the jolly jumper too!!!!

  10. I know, I too loved the bedroom wear in BD. And hey, Bella Swan made any pregnancy look like a breeze! Alex made a joke when we got home from seeing it that he loves Alice so much he was going to imprint on in our future Skypes, best keep her out of view...ha! I love that shot on Andrew and Isla. The joy on both their faces! Oh lord...

  11. your girls are just darling! keep the pictures coming!

  12. Fantastic!! My daughter absolutely loved her bouncer when she was a baby. In fact she's still a very bouncy child now!

  13. They are precious! Have a great weekend!

  14. I have been handed down a door frame jolly jumper...(which they still sell so I'm thinking are still safe... Maybe I should look into that) But we don't have many door frames to use it, so I'm considering getting the one like yours...

    Is it a big as it looks? Does it fold up easily?

    The girls look like they are loving it :)

  15. @LifeBegins@Thirty - yeah they sell the ones that attach to door frames still so I gather that they're safe... problem is our house is relatively new and open concept so we lack door frames unless we want them jumping in the bathroom on the main floor!

  16. @LifeBegins@Thirty - oh and thanks... hubs did a good job on the rings for sure (and it sure helped that he brought ME to tiffanys lol so I could pick them out)

  17. @Nessa @{Casa Braaflat} - yeah so I took like 60 pictures to get one good one... I kid you not!

  18. @Stephanie - hilarious that Alex wants to imprint on my Alice! I'll definitely be extra careful when skyping!!

  19. @MrsV - yeah it's as huge as it looks and I don't actually think it folds at all unfortunately... I just repeat to myself that it's only temporary!

  20. Looks like the jumper was a big hit!

  21. Couple things: 1.. I love lovlove your blog design! 2.. Your babies are totally adorbs! 3.. I think your wedding rings are gorgeous! So looking forward to reading further below this post! Happy weekend!

  22. your girls are precious.

    and crazy stupid love is awesome. dirty dancing scene is my favorite!

  23. @Michelle - 1. glad you like the design, it's by fabulousK Creative and 2. thanks so much!!!

    @Elissa - mine is the whole what are you photoshoped scene!

  24. Love the gleeful jolly jumper pics. Nothing like a happy bouncing baby. Except maybe two.
    And poor Heidi. We had to give Chicken the lion cut two a few summers ago and she just wasn't pleased with us. The good thing is that it all grows back pretty quickly.
    Happy Christmas preparations.

  25. Your girlies have such sweet faces! I'm not your cat's mommy (obviously) but she doesn't look like she hates her haircut or that she is mad at you. If she was really mad she probably would have peed on your stove and hidden under your bed.

  26. Loving the pictures! The Jolly Jumper looks like so much fun!

  27. ok, first of all, I LOVE those jumper thing-ies. It was passive entertainment on my part. Just put the baby in the jumper and go have coffee :)

    2nd of all, our cat is STILL upset over the lack of quality time. Basically, when the baby is asleep, it is kitty cuddling time. oh, and he sleeps on top of me. :) I so get the guilt..

    CUTE photos


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