chaotic recap... fifth edition

This week has been full of sunny days, long walks outside with the girls, long naps inside with the girls and little bodies growing bigger and bigger.

I can't believe how much her face has filled out.  Some think that they are starting to look more alike.  I think not.  To me they are always two very different little beings.

I think her eyes are changing.  They seem to be getting darker.  The drooling has subsided... it seems the teeth are playing shy and are going to make us wait a little longer.

This toy is amazing.  Every baby needs one.

 Alice has officially realized that she has feet and is really quite taken with them.

We've almost outgrown this sleeper... for the second time.  Yes I bought the same sleeper in a bigger size because I loved it on her in the small size, I love it on her in the bigger size and if they still have it in the store I plan on loving it on her in the even bigger size.

It's like one day I am looking at their feet in the jolly jumper and the next I am moving that jolly jumper up to yet another higher position.  It's crazy how fast they grow. up.

this is the way things go down these days... isla or alice sees a toy, a utensil, a sleeve and must immediately grab it and put it in their mouth.  This fraggle didn't see it coming.

We call this the baby sandwich (psst. they can nurse like this too)... it only took five months but we finally figured out the whole tandem nursing thing and honestly... we all prefer the one on one

I hope you had a lovely week.

I know we did.

Happy Friday.


  1. Love all the pictures! Oh the feet, what a great new toy!

  2. Thank you for sharing the pictures. The girls are beautiful!

  3. Oh, they melt my heart! You're definitely doing something right, mama!

  4. Wow, they are really growing!
    Where did you get that toy they are gnawing on? Avery would love that!

    1. It's from Chapters/Indigo which I think is only canadian but they're by Manhattan Toys if that helps.

  5. I love all the pictures!! They are so cute!! I don't think they look alike, I mean like sisters yes but other than that no.

  6. your girls are so delicious. I love the picture of Alice smiling while grabbing her feet.

  7. They are just adorable! Great pictures!

  8. I love that our girls are hitting milestones at the same time. I'm too busy to blog anymore, but I instagram tons of pictures.

  9. They are so sweet! I know you are enjoying them. The photo of the two of them sleeping on the pillow on your lap is adorable!

  10. "Not my ears!"- Red the Fraggle.
    Ash, you're a pro with that camera. You really grab their personalities. I cant get over how BIG they look! Alice's arms...she's getting the rolls!

  11. Your blog always give me so much hope :) they're so adorable!

  12. They are growing so fast! Such beautiful eyes they have!

  13. Seeing you with those babies on your lap makes me:

    a: want twins.

    b: think you are a super mama (tandem nursing? you are my hero.)


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