
five months old

dear isla and alice,

a year ago new years we found that two of you had taken up residence in my tummy, what an amazing surprise that was.

now you are just over five months old and it feels like we have known each other forever.  People stop us all the time when we are out the conversation goes something like this...

stranger: wow you have twins?
mommy: yes I do
stranger: a boy and a girl?
mommy: nope, two girls (they are in pink or purple snowsuits, blankets, hoodies... seriously people not all twins come in a boy/girl package)
stranger: wow you must be exhausted
mommy: actually twins are totally manageable
stranger: really...
mommy: yes, much more doable than we thought
mommy: I now think that all babies should come with a twin
stranger: (trying to look convinced but in fact coming off as... who is this crazy mommy... twins are cute to look at but i'm glad I don't have them) well they are adorable

twins are awesome... I mean one baby would be amazing as well but I really do believe that all babies should have a twin, a built in best friend.

here you are, rockin your bandanas, lounging in your bumbos with poppity pop... I got a bit scared when other mom's said their babies shrieked in terror when they turned this guy on but you two love it... and so does Heidi
thank you for hanging in there while we wait for your first teeth to pop out, I can't imagine that it's fun especially when you also have mad diaper rash.  Also, mommy recently discovered a new book and you might be a bit confused right now because we're changing things up.  Hang in there, it will all be for the better.

it's so great to see you laugh at each other, to have you grab my face when I hold you, to see you try as hard as you can to roll over and to finally succeed.  It's amazing to watch you experience so many firsts.  I love how your eyes light up Alice when you discover that we're at the mall.  I love how you take a moment Isla, to assess a new situation before you decide that it's a good one.

everyday there's a new surprise... and I love it.

happy five months

xoxo mommy


  1. I want a built in best friend for Chloe! Ha! They seriously look like they are the best of friends and it is too cute. I'm amazed at how easy you make raising twins look!

  2. So cute!!! As they get older, they are becoming more and more obviously not identical! Still super cute though!
    Poor things, I hope the teething and diaper rash gets better!

  3. So glad to hear this attitude! I love the idea of having twins, but everyone makes it out to be such a difficult journey. Glad to hear not everyone has such a hard time.

  4. they are so lovely.
    And it's so great to hear you all positive!! :)

  5. Your girls are so beautiful. Such happy, healthy babies. I'm glad that you are enjoying being the mom of twins.

  6. The girls are so BEAUTIFUL!! I have always wanted to have twins. I know people think I am crazy. We were talking to our RE, and she metioned an increased "risk" of twins and my husband said, "That's not really something we are considering as a negative." He so gets me.

  7. I would love to be blessed with twins too!

  8. Happy 5 months! They are growing so fast! :)

  9. Aw, they are gorgeous little girls. I must admit I think I'd freak out if I found out I was having twins but to be honest it's just one of those things you just crack on with isn't it. Especially if they were you're first babies - you wouldn't know any different would you?
    Happy five months!

  10. They are so cute!
    And I love reading your makes me feel like I'm totally going to be able to handle twins. I was a little freaked out about twins at first, but now it seems like it would be so strange to just have one baby....

  11. if we saw you out and about, I promise I wouldn't give you strange looks or ask if you have a boy and a girl. My cousins are twins (a boy and a girl) and everyone always asks if they are identical. Ummm, no. A boy and a girl cannot be identical.

    People are stupid. Glad you are able to take it all in stride.

  12. They are just so sweet! How are the amber necklaces working for you?

  13. Happy 5 months to your sweet girls!
    Curious to know what book you've discovered. Please tell me it's one on sleep and that you've discovered the secret. and will share.

  14. They are so sweet! Happy 5 months!!


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