
i have the appetite of a lumberjack

Yeah Andrew threw that line out there the other day.... something along the lines of Ash... you have the appetite of a lumberjack.  I initially took offense.  But I think it's kind of true.  I eat constantly and find myself strategizing throughout the day what I will eat next.  It's kind of like I am pregnant (minus the chicken mcnuggetts + dairy queen milkshake + pizza kind of days... yeah... I had those) ... only I'm not.  I'm feeding two babies... but I often wonder if this appetite will ever suppress.. back to my I only eat to sustain myself (kind of) days.

Andrew is the good food lover.  I am (was) more the I eat because I need to type.  In our house growing up I got the child's portion... because I wouldn't eat more than that... and it kind of stuck forever... well until I got pregnant.  Now I look at what Andrew plans on eating and ask him to put more than that on my plate.

so maybe I do eat like a lumberjack right now...  and food tastes so damn good.

are you breastfeeding and perpetually hungry?  tell me I'm not the only one!

everything she makes looks amazing!  via smitten kitchen


  1. I'm not always starving, but I find myself losing weight without trying to. NO complaints here!!!

    1. as long as the weight loss doesn't effect your supply then bring it on!

  2. I am still pumping for the twins, and I feel hungry ALL the time. I told my husband just last night that I think I am now addicted to food.

    1. I've been thinking about you guys and wondering how things are going!

  3. You're so not alone! I feel like I eat constantly and I'm starting to think I'm actually hungrier than I was when pregnant with the twins. Maybe because I had all the morning sickness and now food is marvelous!

  4. 2 years later, I'm still working on getting back to eating to sustain myself vs. eating for the sake of yumminess :( not easy when trying to get back to pre-baby shape

  5. You are not alone!! I've always been a bit of a foodie, I love to eat, but oh boy do I EAT now! Glad I'm not the only one! Sometimes I justify my portion size by thinking, "one for me and one for Alice". Haha.

  6. I don't bf, but I still love to eat! Mmm, what are those, blueberry pancakes?

  7. I had more cravings while breastfeeding than I did when I was pregnant and I lost weight too, it was awesome!

  8. Definitely right there with you!!! I am also constantly thinking about what I'm going to eat next and definitely eat larger portions but wow it's amazing that I'm not gaining weight doing it, love that part! Although I do often worry how I'll transition when I stop breastfeeding.

  9. I am 8 weeks pregnant, and I feel like I cant stay full ever!!! I eat and 20 minutes later I am looking for something else. I also am the kind of girl where I eat because I need to...and I really need to now!

  10. I have been STARVING lately! yes, breastfeeding makes you hungry!! I still have my pregnancy cravings too! I have never eaten so many hamburgers in my life! LOL! I am not sure how to stop eating at this point! I am back down to my pre IVF weight now too!


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