
on keeping the magic alive after babies

I've always believed that you have to put effort into something to make it good and if you want it to keep being good, you have to keep putting that effort in.

Enter TV free tuesdays.

A few weeks back Andrew and I had a date night (funny how I use to think the term date night was a corny term used to define specific time spent with a husband... I mean why would you need a term when you did that all of the time... well I need that term now since date nights are necessary and do define when we actually spend quality one on one time together) after this date night I thought about how nice it was to spend time together away from the television, internet... you know... all of that technological noise... and proposed a perma date night... tv free tuesdays.

Andrew was game so tuesdays were officially declared tv and internet free in the evenings.

what a difference.

Don't get me wrong.  We aren't sloths who sit idly in front of the tv day in and day out... but come 7 pm it is just so easy to through effort out the window and fall into a routine of laziness.  I mean we have tons of quality family time together but our habit was to eat dinner and then sit on the couch and watch tv (or blog, or surf well usually both at the same time for me).

So far we've spent tuesdays doing yoga videos, having actual good conversations and throwing back a few glasses of good wine (okay the wine is likely cheap but the fact that it is wine makes it good).

Of course I sort of forget that we decided this every week and then come tuesday morning when I think about the day to come I realize that tonight will be quality...

Maybe we are the only ones who watch tv way too much... maybe not.  But if you are like us, I dare you to try it.  I think you will love it.

I know I do.

The End by EllaKSverdlov via etsy


  1. What a great idea! We do the same thing in evenings, get on the computer and watch T.V. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Such a good idea, we will have to start that!

  3. I admit I watch too much tv. And even though JJ is in the room with me, he's usually engorged in his laptop. I think it's a great idea to eliminate tv one night a week. Ya gotta start somewhere!

  4. I totally agree! We had a no blogging / no work night on valentine's day and it was really nice (the bottle of wine with dinner helped). I think it's a great idea!

  5. Okay ladies, I have to say that your comments have made me feel great - we aren't the only people who sit in front of that screen wayyy too much! Let me know what you think if you try giving it up regularly!

  6. Good idea. For the longest time we have been talking about date night! TTC for almost 4 years has left us dry, so t.v and internet is easy and thoughtless. I love that you did a yoga dvd. I'm looking for a good one, any suggestions? P.S I have been following your blog since your IVF began...we are now embarking on our first as well. Your babies are so cutie patootie!

    1. thanks for following along! trying for 4 years... don't know how you do it! agonizing!

      as for yoga - i like anything by shiva rae. i have one where you can build your own yoga routine - like that one a lot.

      i hope this is your first and only round of ivf!

  7. thanks for the suggestion. I will check it out.

    This will be our one and only IVF thanks for the well wishes...I'll take them all!


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