
Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

The tree is up....
I kind of fear for its safety
The girls took it easy...
They only removed the bottom 1/4 of ornaments
and the bottom ones... yeah they're plastic
there was only one casualty today
that big white fluffy one right there
the rest survived
Alice and Isla... yeah they're pretty excited
and just a little determined
that's why I hid their baby's first Christmas ornaments up high on the mantel
you just can't mess with those
Bunny was there for the big tree reveal
Bunny goes everywhere
Heidi too

I can't wait to see them Christmas morning with all of the presents under the tree!

What about you? Are your decorations up, baking in the freezer, presents purchased? (I hope not, I am far from done.)

Happy monday.


  1. We do have our trip up, outside lights on, and the rest of the decorations sprinkled throughout the house. And that's about all I've done. No shopping, no baking, no real preparation. :)

    1. we need to get our outside lights up and on as well. we usually only get to them christmas eve!

  2. I love your decorations!!!

    cute pics.

    yea we didnt put the ornaments on the bottom third of the tree!!

  3. Beautiful tree! Our tree is finally up too, but no baking and no purchases have been made yet. I'm having a hard time coming to terms that Christmas is only a few weeks away when it's still 70 degrees.

  4. The tree is beautiful it! I've had my tree up for a week but the poor thing is still bare. I just can't seem to find the desire to decorate it. I've finally started to shop but I have a long, long way to go! Coffee soon?

    1. why not throw on a tacky christmas movie and get-er-done!
      yes coffee soon, maybe this weekend?

    2. I might just have to do that! I am home this weekend. Let me know what works for you. I'd love to see the girls :)

  5. So pretty, your so crafty. Every time I see your blog and your pretty babies it gives me hope! Thanks for being such a good poster!


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