
iPad it is.

After all of your comments I was torn but leaning towards the phone. Then we went to the store and the sales people kept asking if we needed help and all I could say was I don't know, I'm trying to figure out if I should get an iPhone or an iPad. They all told me the same thing (two totally different functions). In the end the dollars won out. I just couldn't justify jumping to a $75 monthly bill for an iPhone when I rarely leave the house. Then I discovered that I could get Instagram for my existing phone. That sealed the deal and here I am typing my first blog post on my brand new shiny iPad with retina display (what does that even mean?).

So far my biggest challenge has been finding the time to explore this thing and all of the goodness that comes with owning something apple.

Which apps do you love? So far my favourites include songza and gmail (browsing through my 3 email accounts is so ridiculously easy on this thing).



  1. You'll love it! It's honestly just handy to have...I'm not a huge apps person, but on my phone I have the usual - instagram, House & HOme, starbucks (pay from my phone)...OH and my fave app ever - Nike Training Club. Workouts that will kick your butt - basically a personal trainer in your phone. I dare you to do a 15 min one and not be sore the next day. :) Enjoy your new toy.

  2. Let me faves include
    Pinterest, Words with Friends, Moviecat, Imdb trivia
    and about 35 different photo editing aps
    It is encouraging to hear you can get instagram for your current phone...I think that would be my one super hold back for not renewing my iPhone (heaven help me if I can't take 500 pics of my dog hahaha)

  3. Never mind that! What's your name on Instagram!!

  4. yes! are you on IG now? I'm _bridgetann_


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