All the details of our custom Ikea Kitchen (and what it cost)

I still remember the first morning we woke up in our new (old) house. I remember how things were half unpacked, how it felt so good to be in a house that smelled faintly of fresh paint and new beginnings, but most of all, I remember feeling like I was living in a hotel. We'd just come off thre…

11 Spring Things

I preemptively spoke of warmer temps this week and am currently single handedly harbouring the blame for continued forever winter. So I thought I would do a little exercise I like to call fake it till you make it and summon spring with all the hope and sandal desperation that reside inside of me.

Lessons in chasing creative pursuits

How does it look to chase a creative dream in your 30s? I picture a home amongst trees, a studio with windows as walls, facing spring buds and possibilities. Sunlight warming fingertips that pour ideas swiftly out onto keyboards. An abundance of time to try and re-try and get it exactly right.
